Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

A Few Of My Favorite Things

 Bradley Edmonds

  1. My new sketchbook. I bought this on my FlagSHIP trip to San Francisco. I have so many ideas on how to fill it up for the year.
  2. A painted flower pot. I painted this at my first hall party last semester. I use it to keep spare change but I had fun painting it.
  3. A portable water color palette. I got this back in high school and have used it ever since. There are four layers of colors.
  4. A Pilot G-2 07 Pen. I prefer these pens over all others. I just like how they write.
  5. A GraphGear 500 0.5 mechanical pencil. I just bought this pencil and I just love how fine the line is when drawing.
  6. A Castro Magnet. I bought this when I was on FlagSHIP course in San Francisco. Its just a nice reminder of the trip and class.
  7. A PT-D400 Versatile, Compact Label Maker. I just brought this from home and I just like it. The cool thing is that it has multiple different fonts.

ART 21 Response

Artist: Nick Cave


"Confronting Identity" and "Self-Control"



Prinz, James, et al. From Left: a 2012 Soundsuit Made from Buttons, Wire, Bugle Beads, Wood and Upholstery; a 2013 Soundsuit Made from Mixed Media Including a Vintage Bunny, Safety-Pin Craft Baskets, Hot Pads, Fabric and Metal; a 2009 Soundsuit Made from Human Hair; a 2012 Soundsuit Made from Mixed Media Including Sock Monkeys, Sweaters and Pipe Cleaners. . New York, 18 Oct. 2019.

Element/Principle: Shape

Looking through the line up of the suits presented, it is very apparent that each one was designed with a different silhouette in mind. This allows for a very diverse line up of outfits, each one unique. These design choices put an emphasis on shape.


Cercle, Maria, and Nick Cave. Soundsuits. 9 Aug. 2016.

Element/Principle: Balance

The costume is comprised of many different colors while holding the same texture overall. Through the asymmetry presented, it provides a very interesting and dynamic look to the suit. This puts an emphasis on the balance of the look. 

Project 1: The Triple Goddess Masks

 Project 1 The Triple Goddess Masks Designs Masks The Maiden The Mother The Crone Artist Statement                   When coming up with ide...